Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Return of the Blog...It was funnier in my mind.

So It's been a while. I've been working hard, at hardly working, and haven't really even considered writing anything. My return to blogging, heralded by a would be popular sports blog, caused me to take a new look at this one and see where I could take it that might make it worth actually bothering to write for.

At the moment I am leaning towards doing a combination of lists/commentaries on what's going on. I.E. Listing things, though nothing on the scale of my friend over at How Hi the Fi.

I'm considering a top ten westerns ever made list right now, as sort of a starter. Not really relevant, not a lot of western fans left out there, but there are a lot of great movies that are westerns out there. Movies that any fan of movie history will consider a must own. However, at the moment, my ability to access my collection is extremely limited as I am overseas. If the picture didn't give it away I'm deployed.

At any rate, this is just a renewal post anyway, something to get me back in the swing of writing. And for anyone out there who is gawking and completely revolted by my mustache, it's gone now too. So you can read on in safety. Then again, there isn't anything else to read...So yeah. Look ahead and check back in a day or two.

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