Saturday, January 10, 2009

What Have We Come to?

So I'm sitting here in the recliner pondering the future. It's a precarious thing these days. Once upon a time, when I was younger than I am now, it was boundless and full of potential. Then the same thing that happens to everyone happened to me; I grew up.

With growing up comes the annoying responsibilities that grown ups have. Taking care of yourself, working, paying bills, etc. And following along with the happenings int he rest of the world. Currently what has my attention is FOCA. If you don't know what this is, it's called the Freedom of Choice Act.

Essentially it strips all limitations and controls on abortion that are currently in place. Now some people think this is a good thing. I'm not one of them. I despise abortion. I also think that forcing doctors and hospitals to offer abortion is wrong. That violates THEIR freedom of choice. But this act would allow for that. I don't know what the democrats are going to do with their new found power in washington, but I know it's going to be interesting.

Legislation like this, forcing hospitals to provide certain types of care that not everyone in the country agrees with only opens up the door for more legislation like it. What will they take next? I'm not all that curious about it but I think we're going to find out anyway. The democrats currently in power have a rather socialistic outlook. Expect them to finish the train wreck we're in now if they're past record is anything of an indication.

Welcome to the Socialist States of America. It oughta be a wild ride!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

In 2008...

So...I am certifiable...or certified...or...whatever. That's besides the point. When I start driving today, I will continue driving for...oh...24 hours or so before I stop again for any length of time. Why am I doing this you might ask? The answer to that probably lies in the first sentence of this post. Anyway, it's new year's day.

I had a glorious evening last night. Got to spend it with a good many of the few people in this world I bother wasting the energy it requires to care about. What did we do? absolutely nothing. Well, ok...we played rummy, apples to apples, and watched some idiot try to kill himself jumping a scale model of the arc'de'triomph.

That said, it's time for...either a resolution or a list...oh want both? Ok...well let's see...

I resolve to....not get blown up in Iraq in 2009. Yes that still leaves several months open in 2010 for any terrorists who might read this.

Now for the list...hmmm...What should we things? Well since the top of the list would be electing the soont o be president perhaps not, as he would doubtlessly list me an enemy of the state upon we go...lessons learned.

1. Driving 24 hours straight is madness.
2. Birthday presents are best when they arrive unexpectedly.
3. The simple things in life, backrubs in particular, really are the best.
4. Mountain Dew is essential to my continued existence. (no is.)
5. The minute you vouch for someone is the minute they will leave your neck on the chopping block.
6. The air is never sweeter than when you arrive at home after a long time away...For those of you who have no particular attachment to a specific place, I'm sorry for what you're missing.
7. New life is long as that new life can't vomit on me.
8. Women are the most indecisive creatures alive.
9. Politicians, like lawyers...should be shot. On sight.
10. People are stupid. In large groups, they are rabid and dangerous.

Now, some of these lessons may not seem particularly insightful to you. But I assure you, each and everyone is an experience I went through. Some were merely reinforce, some were new. but each was experienced in the now deceased 2008. PEACE!